Saturday, April 5, 2014

´♥`´♥`Poems and Messages´♥`´♥`: I Miss you..... My darling daughter

´♥`´♥`Poems and Messages´♥`´♥`: I Miss you..... My darling daughter

I Love my daughter,

So far away,

 I wish I could visit her,

For at least a day,

Our time together,

Was more than joy

If only it was longer

I'd be with her now.


Sunday, December 24, 2006

The Meaning:

This illness is caused by a preconceived notion that just because you had a great life before and a family at home does not mean that you will always have it. This illness is caused by a fear of compassion. This fear is spawned from repeated assaults on ones dignity and internal spirit. Sometimes a person can catch this from a friend with a bad attitude on the holiday. But usually this problem arises long before the holiday arrives and just shows better at that time. Best treatment is:
  1. Good friends that take the time to listen to you.
  2. A love interest that is most of all understanding.
  3. A real understanding of why you are here.
  4. A solid plan to exit the illnesses grasp.

Good luck with this insidious life wrecker.